A Bronze Knight can play a game of chess under tournament conditions, with appreciation of space, time, and force, but will still make several blunders each game. A Bronze Knight can play K+P vs K endings, has improved positional understanding, and is learning some common defensive lines of play.

Requirements / Coaching Guide

K+P vs K
demonstrate K+P vs K endgames, when you can win and when you can draw.
define zugzwang and demonstrate
discuss the value of space in relation to time (tempi) and material.
discuss the value of time (tempo) in relation to space and material.
teach luft, "putting the question" to pieces on the bayonet square and preventing back-rank mate.
describe annotation marks !, ?, !?, ?!, ??, and !!.
practice timed games with a clock, 30 minutes per side.
More Mates
more mate in two quizzes (at least 20) from Polgar's big CHESS book.
teach algebraic notation; show descriptive notation (will need it to read some books).
Notation Test
check off when the player can notate a complete game while making legal moves.
French Defense
describe basic themes and main lines of the French Defense; player tries some practice games in the opening.
go over eight Anderssen games
Promotion Game
Win a game from a higher-rated player getting Bronze Knight odds.
Requirements continue to evolve and may therefore change at any time. Substitutions may be granted in some cases to award particularly strong play.